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Platypuses (and echidnas) are monotremes, or egg-laying mammals. Like all mammals, they feed their young on mothers' milk. The defining trait of a mammal is to have mammary glands, to produce milk for its young. The platypus produces its milk from numerous glands over its underside, unlike other mammals which have teats.

Platypuses have just one external opening, the cloaca, for both waste elimination and for reproduction. The cloaca leads to the urinary, faecal and reproductive tracks, all of which join internally, and it is the orifice by which the female monotreme lays her eggs.

As for how platypuses move on land - these animals spend more time on land than in the water. The platypus has four legs. When on land, it walks. When in water, it swims. Its feet have retractable webbing between the toes. This means it can swim effectively, but it can also dig on land because the webbing retracts to expose the sharp claws.

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Q: How do platypuses move on land and lay eggs they are mammals?
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