Sled dogs and people can work together by sharing their food together
Team is a group of people who come together to participate in an activity. They work together to accomplish a win or acknowledgement.
A team is two or more people communicating and working together towards a common goal. A sports team will work towards winning a game. A sales team will work together to gain clients.
To foster team work means advocating for or encouraging people to work together as a team. This yields great results since no one wishes to disappoint the team.
Work together as a team or a groupsupport each other
honey bees work together.
It is a type of software that enables people to work together as a team. Teams can work together even if they are in a different time zone or geographic location.
Working together is called collaboration, teamwork, or cooperation. It involves people coming together to achieve a common goal or complete a task collectively.
A coach makes up a team. People that work together and don't give up on each other.
Win together, work together, lose together, suffer together. That's what makes a team.
Soccer Team: Team members work together to win the gameYour Body: Organs and organ systems work together to surviveYour organs and organ systems work together to survive, similar to team members of a soccer team working together to win the game.