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Q: How do pandas respond when scared?
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What Are Red Pandas Scared Of?

Black Pandas

How do Pandas respond to changes in their environment?

pandas eat bamboo:)

Are pandas scared of bears?

No. There are no bears where they are located.

What is the average people who like pandas?

only those who are scared of them hate them

How squirrels respond to being hungry scared or cold?

They pee

How do the thieves respond when Jonathans family begins to yell?

they ran away because they were scared

When you tell a guy that someone made a rumor that he likes you and he doesnt respond what does that mean?

Maybe he does like you or he is just scared to respond, because he dosen't no how you think about him!

How does the panda respond to changes in the temperature?

Pandas live in a very hot places (mostly in China) so they only have to be prepared for warm/hot weather. __________ Pandas are actually best adapted to cool, wet climate, such as that found in the mountains around Woolong and Minshan Mountains. However, according to the Adelaide Zoo, Pandas acclimatize very well to hot weather.

What is the possessive of pandas?

The possessive form of the plural noun pandas is pandas'.Example: Development by people is encroaching on the pandas' habitat.

What should you think if you do small gestures of love and he wont respond back?

Well he might just be scared to tell you how he really feels and is waiting for you to tell him.

What are pandas species?

red pandas and giant pandas

How can you tell if your grasshopper is dead?

If a grasshopper is not moving or does not respond to stimuli is probably dead. A grasshopper that is alive will jump and move when scared or startled.