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Giant Pandas are mammals and reproduce sexually and give birth to living young.

Also the Chinese Government helps in the reproduction process of the Giant Pandas. They have developed programs for raising all the cubs born by a rotating procedure, that allows all the cubs to spend time with their mother, gaining the advantages of her milk, care and training. They have gone from a very low survival rate, to a high rate with the help of this procedure. The release of these young adults into the wild is the ultimate goal.

The whole breeding process in the wild is complex, and brief. The breeding age of the Giant Panda, is generally four to eight years old. They only breed once a year during the spring, if the female isn't raising a cub from the previous year. When the female is ready to breed, her reproductive phase lasts only a few days. Most believe it is about four days long. She will use scent markings, and calls to find a mate. In the wild, if she can't find a male during that time, it will be another year before she will be ready to breed again. If she is successful and the two are able to reach each other with in time. Then the two of them will mate repeatedly for those few days to try to make sure she is fertilized. If she is impregnated, the gestation period will range, on average from 95 to 150 days. The cub will be born totally dependant on the mother, the father is not involved in raising the young. For more details, please see sites listed for more details.
Sexually, like all mammals.
they mate
The giant panda reproduces asexually and that's how it reproduces

scientist-Amelia Jones
When mating, the female is in a crouching, head-down position as the male mounts her from behind. Copulation time is short, ranging from thirty seconds to five minutes, but the male may mount her repeatedly to ensure successful fertilization.

See link below.
Well Not To Get Too Deep Into Detail, And To Keep It PG - 8P.

They Are Mammals Aren't They? Well Think About It, They Pretty Much Do The Deed As Other Mammals Like Us Do, Its In There Nature.

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7y ago
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6y ago

Giant Pandas are mammals and reproduce sexually and give birth to living young.
they breed, just like every other animal. There is a female and male, then they mate, then the female is pregnant.

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13y ago

5 male pandas can Fight over one panda

The female bends her head down and in a crouching position

the male Humps until reproduction cells are out

may Hump several times for SURE reproduction

Females can be reproductive from 5 to 20

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13y ago

Giant pandas grow upto 2 metres long and 70 centimetres wide.


Ans#2: Adults measure around 1.5 meters (4.9 ft) long and around 75 centimeters (2.46 ft) tall at the shoulder. Males are 10-20% larger than females.Males can weigh up to 150 kilograms (330 lb). Females are generally smaller than males, and can occasionally weigh up to 125 kg (275 pounds). This information can be found on Wikipedia. The National Zoo (Washington, DC) website states that Giant pandas reach about 250 lbs, and the females rarely reach 220.


Ans#3: Actually they don't get to be 330lbs because I had a conversation with the zoologist that takes care of the pandas at the San Diego Zoo and she told me flat out after I noticed how small they were that Pandas are very small animals thad that adult males only get up too 175 maybe 180 lbs and that females are even smaller. And she also told me that people are always surprised on how small they are, because they go in there expecting to see a big bear and are met with a tiny animal.

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12y ago

Like In My Recent Answer To A Similar Question Asking The Same Thing,

They Are Mammals, They Basically Reproduce The Way Most Any Other Mammal Would.

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7y ago

Pandas reproduce by sexual means.

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Yes, although not that eagerly.

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Do pandas reproduce sexually?

Yes. All mammals do.

Are pandas sexual?

Yes they reproduce like all mammals.

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There are about 3,000 left, but efforts are being made to help them reproduce, thus resulting in more pandas. Yay!

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zoos because they force them to survive and reproduce

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