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Well my mice fought a wekk ago until death but luckily i got them out. but ill get to the point, mice will bite and hold onto the fur. while scratching the mices eyes paws and if they can back.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Mice use their teeth and claws to defend themselves. However it it rare for them to just attack you, however if you pick them up they are most likely to bite or scratch you. It would be strange for them to run up and bite you. "They are more scared of you then you are of them"

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15y ago

There is no actual single species known as a marsupial mouse. Marsupial mouse is the rather misleading name given to various tiny dasyurids, or carnivorous marsupials of Australia. Animals which some under the broad heading of marsupial mice include the antechinus, dibbler, ningaui, phascogale, planigale, kultarr, dunnart, kaluta, mulgara and kowari.

Marsupial mice are burrowing creatures, and nocturnal. They dig burrows for shelter and protection, and tend to only come out at night, so their biggest predators are owls and other nocturnal creatures.

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7y ago

Mouses are small creatures but they are very fast, if they see their enemy close behind then they run as fast as they could.

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12y ago

First they bite your tail off than have a cat fight with your mom. And give her a #$@% slap. And bam you've lost your whole family. Fight with the rebellion . Uncle rat whants you1!!

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13y ago

by using its web

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Q: How do mice fight?
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They get into a fight or accident.

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no the mouse will be eaten and they fight

How do you keep female mice from fighting?

Their women, of course they fight.

What to cat's fight?

other vats, they hunt for mice, they fight raccoons and badgers and hawks. (sometimes dogs)

Is it ok to have 6 pet male mice in a cage?

No. They probably will fight.

What could cause mice to fight?

It is very common for mice to fight especially males if they are not brothers. The most common reason for mice to start a fight it over food, you could have a bowl filled with sunflower seeds but they will fight over the sunflower seed the other one has. The best way to prevent another fight it to always be adding toys and moving things in the cage. To stop the fighting you can split them up for a week, then re intoduce them in the bathtube or a "neutral" space. Clean the cage and put them together again. Mice that live alone tend to get lonely and will miss their companion.

'of mice and men' What character seems likely to want to fight with Lennie?


What is a food source for a mice?

wanna fight me boy??or suck my C0CK!:p

How do you breed mice and rats?

you put a female and a male together but watch them incase they fight!!!

Why do adult male mice of the same litter fight?

hierarchy in the family (pecking order).