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They cannot breed, they are sterile.

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Q: How do liger have babies?
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Related questions

What do tigers and lions do?

Make liger babies.

How many babies can a liger have in one litter?

none. they cant

How much babys can a liger have at once?

none, ligers can not reproduceLigers are hybrids ,they can't have babies ! infertile just like mules :)

Who would win in a fight liger or a tiger?

ofcourse a liger

What are zorse's babies called?

Actually, since Zorses are a mix of tw odifferent animals, theyre sterile. Much like a mule of liger.

What is stronger lion or liger?


What is a liger's diet?

What is a liger's habitat?

Do you have a picture of a liger?

here's a baby liger :)

What if a liger and a lion fight?

a liger would win

What is the weight of a liger cub?

what is the wieght of a baby liger

Are liger's an threatened speices?

It depends on how you look at a liger. If you feel that a liger is not wildbecause they are bred in captivity then no they are not endangered. If you feel a liger is a wild animal then ligers everywhere are endangered.

What do you know about liger?

What i know what a liger is is that it is between a tiger and a lion.