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Well it all depends on your cat and how it is. but you could try letting it smell the guinea pig on letting it see the guinea pig and when it is acts nice give get like a treat or love on it. To show it is the right thing to do around the guinea pig. I hope this help. Ps you real Can't make it like your guinea pig.

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Q: How do i train a cat to not kill my guinea pig and to be friends?
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Can dog and cat disease's kill guinea pigs?

I am not sure but i do no that a cat can attack a guinea pig and so can dogs so it is better not to buy a guinea pig if u have a cat or dog.

Will cats kill guinea pigs?

Yes, cats are natural hunters and may see guinea pigs as prey. It is not safe to keep them together unsupervised. It is important to always ensure the safety of your guinea pig if you have a cat in the same household.

Can cats make friends with guinea pigs?

depending on your cat, if your cat is fierce and mean or goes catching mice, birds, or any small thing that moves if your cat has these habits try to keep your guinea pig away from your cat. if your cat is friendly [like my cat] and plays with little creatures and lets them go its ok to have your guinea pig with them it mean your on the safe die :D

Is it bad for guinea pigs to be close to a cat?

Well... this is a tough question because it really depends on the cat and guinea pigs personality. Personally I keep my cat as far away from my guinea pigs as possible because I don't trust my cat. If there is no way your cat could get into their cage or stick its paw in the side it would be okay.... But no I don't think that I would put your cat near them. I know of some people that have cats and guinea pigs which are best friends but No you shouldn't.

Why do Cats hate dogs and kill them?

No! In fact, I know a cat who is friends to a dog! Cats can be awesome friends with dogs!

What is a guinea pigs enemy?

A guinea pig's enemies can include predators like dogs, cats, birds of prey, and some rodents. Additionally, guinea pigs can be harmed by extreme temperatures, loud noises, and stress-inducing environments. It's important to protect guinea pigs from potential threats to keep them safe and healthy.

Does the guinea pig and cat fight?

While most of our cats accept the guinea pigs we keep at home and generally ignore them, one of them can be a little aggressive. It depends on the cat, but as a general rule, I would HIGHLY recommend that you don't keep them together. A cat is much larger than a guinea pig and can easily kill it with a bite or a swat of their paw or a scratch. Guinea pigs are prey animals and cats are hunters. Bad combination. Keep them separated please!

Is it bad to get a guinea pig if you have a cat?

This depends on the nature of the cat. Most cats and many dogs (not all) have an innate instinct to hunt and kill. Guinea-pigs, especially small ones, are prime game for a cat, and the two should not be left together unsupervised. Most cats have this hunting instinct, although some are simply not interested.

Can a barking dog scare a guinea pig to death?

I don't know about guinea pigs but i know other rodents like mice and rabbits can die of shock (after being caught by my cat).

What will get a guinea pig to run?

A cat.

What are guinea pigs enemies in the wild?

what is a guinea pigs enemiesthe cat family