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After the birth the mare will clean the foal and keep nudging it to get it to stand. Within half an hour this usually happens and the foal gets the hang of standing. He will then lean his head on the mare (it's thought he gets comfort from hearing the same noises he heard in the womb) and soon searches out the mare's teats and starts to feed. The mare is very protective at this stage - and for several weeks afterwards too - and usually positions herself between the foal and any humans. First teeth appear in as little as a week but a full set of milk teeth is not present until age 6-9 months. The foal will increasingly mimic the mother's grazing habits eventually after his teeth have come through taking and eating grass in the usual way. By this time the relationship between mare and dam becomes weaker, the foal is weened and often left to its own devices by the mare. However mares and foals always remember each other and a greeting after a year or so's absence can be lovely to watch

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13y ago

Basically the same way as all horses do, whether domestic or wild. Most are good mama's, The only difference would be the threat of preditors for wild horses. But they stay in groups (herds) which improves their saftey. Wild horse mothers usually wean their foals when a new foal is born the next year. Colts are driven from the herd at about this time, natures way to prevent inbreeding. Fillies will stay with the herd throughout their lives.

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12y ago

Horses are mammals, so the mother nurses its foal.

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In fields

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Q: How do horses raise its babies?
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I belive that unicorns CAN have babies. I really think they are connected to horses, and horses have babies.

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How does horses have baby's?

horses have babies just like humans, exept they're horses, of course

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