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Hedgehogs are mammals, when they are first born they nurse from the mother, then the mother will eventually introduce their normal diet.

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Q: How do hedgehogs feed their young?
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Does hedgehogs lay eggs?

No! Female hedgehogs give birth to their young.

What do hedgehogs feed their babies?

Mother's milk.

Can you feed hedgehogs rawhide?

NO! Not under ANY circumstances!

Are hedgehogs allergic to chocolate?

Not to my knowledge, but DO NOT FEED IT TO YOUR HEDGEHOGS! They have sensitive digestive tracts and it will do much more harm than good.

Do hedgehogs nurture their young?

no only the female does

Are hedgehogs mammals?

Yes, hedgehogs are mammals. they have fur,and have live young.They have mammary glands for nursing young .yes.

How do hedgehogs differ from echidas?

Hedgehogs give with birth to live young and echidas lay eggs. Echidas are not related to hedgehogs. Usually, echidas are compared to (but not closely related to) porcupines and anteaters. Echidas are close cousins to the platypus, the only other egg laying mammal. Both the echidas and the platypus (they are called monotremes) are found only in Australia. Monotremes have milk ducts (pores) that allow them to feed their young. Monotremes do not have nipples like other mammals.

Can hedgehogs be mean?

Yes, pet hedgehogs can be very aggressive if they aren't socialized properly from a young age, or if socialization stops. Wild hedgehogs are typically aggressive as most wild animals are.

How long does a mother hedgehog carry her young?

Domesticated Hedgehogs: 6 weeks, sometimes 7 Wild Hedgehogs: Depends on species

What do amphibians feed there young?

They don't feed their young at all.

What animals feed the young?

All animals feed their young.