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Lots of seals use different communication for example harbor seals use body language by slapping there tail on the water

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15y ago

in the air they will snort, hiss, growl, or sneeze usually as a threat. Pups (baby seals) will let out little cries.

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14y ago

Harbor seals use body languagelike slapping their flippers on water. It is also said that they use the same communication as whales called echolocation.

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15y ago

Harp seals communicate by using the same method as whales. It is called echolocation. Not much more information is know how they communicate, but that is how they communicate.

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Q: How do grey seals communicate?
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Are grey seals grey?

Female grey seals are silver, gray, to brown with dark patches. Males are often darker than females, but with lighter patches, and often scarring around the neck.

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Lambay Island is the most notable place for grey seals to colonise.

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Are grey seals carnivores herbivores and omnivores?

No. They are just carnivorous.

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