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i have a 3 month old jack Russell and i can say her name" over and over and its like talking to a brick wall and i say in a firm tone and she doest come to me when i say her name i need help solving this

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Q: How do get a Jack Russell to recognize its name?
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Yes you can, Tea Cup Jack Russell is just another name for a Miniature Jack Russell.

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The name of one animal that is called a jack is a Jack Russell. A Jack Russell is the name of a breed of dog. Jack Russells are very popular in the United States.

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Jack Parnell's birth name is John Russell Parnell.

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Wishbone, a fictional dog from the television series of the same name, is a Jack Russell Terrier.

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What two dogs make Jack Russell?

The Jack Russell is a smaller version of a Fox terrrier. A Fox terrier is derived from a wolf. I belive they just kept breeding small-legged Fox terriers until they got the Jack Russell terrier.

Where do jack Russell's get their name?

They are called Jack Russels, I believe, because Jack Russel was the man who let their breed exist!

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What is a Jack Rusell terriers scientific name?

The scientific name for Jack Russell terrier is Canis lupus familiaris.

Are Parson Jack Russell's faster than Jack Russell's?

Parson Jack Russell's have longer legs and therefore can run faster