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I don't think gerbils can get neutered; if they can, a vet would do the trick. A simpler plan would be separating the males and females so your poor gerbil doesn't get drowsy.

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Q: How do gerbils get neutered and where can you get them neutered?
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Can gerbils get fixed?

Male gerbils can be neutered, but it is not recomended. Female gerbils should not be spayed. In general male gerbils should not be neutered unless there is a good reason for it.

Do gerbils have enemies?

Yes,in fact they do. Either another gerbil or a person or thing they just do not like. If you have this problem,I suggest you return your gerbil immediantly or get him/her neutered.

Can you put a male gerbil with a male hamster together?

Gerbils are capable of breeding very quickly, with fairly large litters which have fairly high survival rates. They must be introduced carefully, by allowing them to acclimatise to each other while they are separate. I would not recommend housing gerbils of opposite genders together, unless the male is neutered- and only young animals should be neutered.

What is a neutered cow called?

There is no such thing as a "neutered cow." You can get a neutered bull, which is called a steer, or a spayed heifer, but never a "neutered cow."

Can anything live with gerbils?

Other gerbils.

Who invented gerbils?

Gerbils are an animal and can not be "invented".

Are gerbils from the UK?

no gerbils are not originally from the UK but instead from the deserts of Asia. But you can still buy gerbils in the UK

Are there rodents smaller then gerbils?

Yes, mice are smaller than gerbils, but I think gerbils are the right size.

Is there a species of gerbils?

Yes, e.g Mongolian Gerbils.

Do gerbils have spazes?

They do have seizures (this is common in young gerbils)

Are bunnys gerbils?

No, they are not related. Gerbils are rodents, Rabbits are not.

What animals do gerbils get along with?

Gerbils and nothing else.