

How do gazelles move?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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11y ago

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running 40 mph & jumping high

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Q: How do gazelles move?
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Are gazelles omnivores?

No, Gazelles are herbivores.

Do gazelles hunt alone?

Gazelles do not hunt, they are herbivores.

Are cheetahs and gazelles friends?

No. A cheetah considers gazelles as food.

What are some of gazelles social behaviors?

what are a gazelles social habits

Are gazelles mammals?

Yes, all species of gazelles are mammals.

From where to where do gazelles migrate?

Gazelles migrate from land through rivers to land

Is a gazelle a herbiovers?

Yes gazelles are herbivores

Qu'est-ce que les gazelles mangent?

Les gazelles sont des herbivores et se nourrissent principalement d'herbes, de feuilles, de pousses, de fruits et parfois de branches et d'écorce d'arbres. Elles sont adaptées à une alimentation à base de végétaux pour répondre à leurs besoins nutritionnels.

Do gazelles eat hyena?

Yes, hyenas do eat gazelles.

Are gazelles rare?

Some types of gazelles are rare but not all of them. Gazelles are a species of antelopes and can run with speeds up to 48 miles per hour.

What are Tomphsons gazelles?

Thompson's gazelles are a breed/type of gazelle found in Africa.

What country in Africa do gazelles live?

Gazelles are found all over Africa.