They eat it by Ramming there antlers in the cactus reed and then they drink!
Javalina, deer, rabbits, and even humans eat cactus. Various birds eat the fruit of the Saguaro and Prickly pear. Insects, birds, and bats pollinate the cactus.
Animals such as deer, javelina, and rabbits are known to eat star cactus. However, human activities, habitat loss, and illegal collection pose a greater threat to the survival of star cactus populations.
Rabbits, deer & bear eat the young flower buds of the prickly pear cactus.
you can not eat a barel cactus
deer,people, and raabbits.
how offten does a cactus wren eat
A cactus is a plant. It does not eat.
Yes, you can eat the fruit of this cactus
They do not eat cactus, but they may eat blackberries.
There is no such place as the Saguaro Desert. There is the Sonoran Desert where the saguaro cactus grows. Some small animals such as rodents and rabbits feed on the prickly pear as well as javelina, deer, pronghorns, bighorn sheep and tortoises.
Well... I personally think that cactus finches eat cactuses because in some images on the web, if you type in cactus finches, some will have a picture of a cactus finch eating bits of a cactus.
They ate cactus, fish, deer and acorns.