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Q: How do cheetahs stay stable?
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Related questions

Is the population of cheetahs increasing or decreasing?

Basically stable, or decreasing slightly.

How long do cheetahs stay of the ground?

gravity ?

How does a cheetahs stay safe?

by runing fast

What are a list of things that cheetahs do to stay alive?


How often do cheetahs move?

Cheetahs don't move much as they tend to stay in their territory.

How is the climate where cheetas stay?

Cheetahs are on the savanna which is hot and dry.

How long do cheetah cubs stay with their mum?

cheetahs stay with there cubs up to two weeks

How many months do cheetah cubs have to stay with there mom?

cheetahs stay with there mom for 2 months

How long do female and male cheetahs stay together?

just for mating

Do cheetahs like to run?

They do like to run but cheetahs run mainly out of necessity. They have to run in order to catch prey which they need to stay alive.

Why do cheetahs live in the savannas?

cheetahs live in the Savannah to stay worm and the hunting grounds there a great for the cheetah to be able to feed there young and breed how did they get there that i don't know

How do you stay in a stable relationship?

If the relationship is stable, there shouldn't be an issue regarding staying.