No, they normally hide from a distance like about 10 meters then run its prey down.
The do not, they are herbivores
They sneak up on they're prey and pounce on top of them.
They sneak up on they're prey and pounce on top of them.
Pandas do not sneak up on their prey, unless you consider bamboo prey, FYI Pandas have no enemies except for man (poachers) God help them if they get caught, off with their heads! pandas are the most protected animals today.
Cheetahs live and stalk their prey on the grasslands of Africa and Asia.
yes- that is a wolves instincts
once they are close to the prey.
Cheetahs use their speed and camouflage to hunt prey. Gazelle's, Impala and Springbok are the usual prey species as they are around the size that a cheetah can catch and kill. They lie hidden in the grass and move close to its unsuspecting prey. When they are around 100 to 200 meters near the prey, they pick up a burst of speed and tackle the prey. They go for the throat thereby suffocating the prey
its body makes the cheetah run faster so they can get away from preadeters
They sneak up on there pray and then wait for the right time and then pounce on it
It would need camouflage
it uses cold blooded, ninja pro and a silencer