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Most of the time, cheetahs will use their incredible speed to run from danger. This is not because they are "wimps," but because they are intelligent, and know that an injury on the leg may cause the cheetah to not be able to hunt. But a mother cheetah with cubs is a different story. When confronted with a danger such as a lion, a mother will use her speed to dash and swerve aroung the lion, making feirce snarles and hisses, occasionaly lashing out with her claws, while and avoiding the lion's blows. This not only makes the lion dizzy, but also freaks it out, causing it to flee. (so much for "the king," a tiger, on the other hand, wouldn't run away!) Cheetahs are the most unlikely of big cats to attack humans, but they still are wild animals, so NEVER approach one without an expert's assitance.

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Related questions

What are the babies of a cheetahs?

Cheetah babies are called cubs.

Where do cheetahs have babies?

In the savanna

Why do cheetahs chirp instead of roar?

cheetahs chirp because that is their call for their babies

How long can cheetahs keep babies in their body?

Gestation for the cheetah id nearly 3 months long - 90-93 days.

What are the cheetahs babies called?

Kittens or kits

What is the recovery plan for cheetahs?

The recovery plan for cheetahs is stronger enforcement of anti-poaching laws. In Namibia, there is a farmer education program, to give farmers alternatives to keep their livestock safe.

Is sodium bicarbonate safe for babies?

Yes, as long as you keep it below 500mg.

Do cheetahs have babies or cubs?

1)Cubs. The cheetahs belongs to the all-tiger group,and all-tiger have cubs not babies. 2) But for my second option is that their cubs are already their babies,it's so obvious.

Why do cats move their babies?

Cats move their babies to keep them safe from predators and to find a more secure or comfortable location for them.

What months do cheetahs have babies?

Cheetahs breed throughout the year, but breeding is most common between March and June.

How do the parents cheetahs treat the babies?

like a real baby

Is it safe for the daddy robo hamster to be with mama and the babies?

no because it an eat the babies for attention from the mama just keep him in a small extra cage until the babies are big enough