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Well only cats that are allowed outdoor can meet cats and if they can go outside they meet by going into other gardens and going into bushes because their cats hiding everywhere and they will eventually find a cat and go their everyday and see it and that it how cats meet!

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In the forest territory: Fourtrees Lake territory: Island

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Medicine cats meet at the half-moon. This is when they gather at the Moonstone or Moonpool to share dreams and receive messages from StarClan.

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Go to the park and meet different cats. I know of one named Sasha. To reset cats in the park, give your cat a shower. Trust me it works.

Is fish food bad for cats?

Yes, fish food is not suitable for cats as it is specifically formulated for fish and not designed to meet the nutritional needs of cats. Feeding fish food to cats can lead to nutritional imbalances and potential health issues. It's important to provide cats with a balanced diet specifically formulated for their needs.