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Q: How do cats adapt to winter spring summer and fall?
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When should male cats breed?

usually cats breed in spring. maybe the end of winter or start of summer... something around that area. i hope i helped.

What food do lions eat in summer?

Like ALL cats, lions are obligate carnivores- they eat meat. Summer and winter.

Why do cats mult?

Cats malt in summer to shorten their winter coat to be cooler in the summer. It is a comfort thing and can be resolved by giving your cat a 15 minute brush daily.

What is winter called in Warrior Cats?

Winter is referred to as "leaf-bare" in the Warrior Cats series. It is a harsh season characterized by cold temperatures and scarcity of food. Warriors must work together to survive during this challenging time.

Do chinchillas shed on a regular bases like cats?

Chinchillas do shed they shed right before winter and right before summer. Reason is in the summer they have to loose their winter coats and before winter they shed because they need new fur for the cold days.

How do you protect cats inwinter?

They will protect themselves. In the winter they grow a coarser coat of fur, which is why they shed more in the spring. :-) Hope I helped!

Does spring happen in the northern or southern hemisphere?

It is autumn in the Northern Hemisphere.

How do you make Cats shed less?

There is no 100% fix, and cats will shed alot more in the summer. Try brushing often and/or bathing your cat. Cats will need to shed their thick winter coat they had during the winter for the summer, as would be the opposite during winter. You may not Be able to bathe your cat, so if not, try to brush your cat as often as possible. Catsmay also shed due to stress. Try to eliminate stress factors for your cat and it may help.

When is mating season for deer?

Deer Mate in Autum so that they can have their fawns during the spring which is a less harsher season to be born than winter where there is very little food for both the doe and the fawn. That way the fawns have spring, summer, and autum to prepare for winter.

Does the behavior of a wild cat change according to the season?

probobly since all of my cats are more active in the winter and lazier in the summer

Will cat sleep more in freezing weather?

from the behavior of my cats in winter compered to summer i think the answer will be yes even though im not sure.

What animals are commonly found in Moldova?

cats/ dogs and there are lots of birds too. *but they are emigrating over the winter and in the summer time they return back to their nests