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A beaver has a few ways to protect itself. Its first line of defense is, of course, to be well-hidden from predators. It has a good, hidden-from-view place to stay inside its dam. The dam is out in the water, and the beaver den is part of the dam. Very few predators know about the den inside the dam. And if they learn about the existence of the den, it's practically unreachable in the water. Some animals will swim out to the dam and try to get at the beavers there, but I don't think very many succeed. If a predator (let's say a bobcat is after our beaver) should get to the dam out in the water, they next have to break into the den from above. The beavers have sharp front teeth! (Strong enough and sharp enough to cut down trees!) They can discourage a bobcat from continuing to try to break into the dam. If a beaver should be caught out in the open by a bobcat, he can whack! that bobcat a mighty blow with his tail! Say the bobcat gets an opening, and grabs the beaver's tail. He starts dragging the beaver away, but the beaver fights back with his big front teeth, and his claws on the front legs! I think there would have to be several bobcats that can gang up on the beaver in order to win this fight! The beavers would help each other, too. If another beaver is near, he would help the first beaver get away, then join him.

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16y ago
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11y ago

Beavers have very strong homes, they build huge dams to hold water back and at the end of these dams on the banks of rivers they build they're homes called

beaver lodges. These homes are very strong and well built.

The babies would be well protected inside these homes.

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16y ago

The beaver protects it self from predators by hiding inside their home.

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10y ago

They fart loudly, and the stink will kill anything within a hundred yards.

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14y ago

They can smack hard with their tails. Other than that they just hop in the water.

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12y ago

The entrance to their lodge can only be gained after goiung underwater. Therefore they dive underwater and then enter the lodge. Predators would have to do the same.

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11y ago

they swim away in the water

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