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They get food, give it shelter, and teach it to run and etc. while the alphas are hunting

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Q: How do all wolves in the pack help to raise the pups?
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Related questions

What do gray wolves do when they have a family?

A grey wolf family is called a pack. When 2 wolves mate and have pups, they form a pack. Then they raise the pups, keep their territory clear of intruders, explore, play, and bring down prey!

How are baby wolves looked after?

They are cared for by the mother wolf until they can travel with the pack. Then the pack as a whole will help in the raising of the pups.

Why do Arctic wolves live in packs?

Safety from bears and other big animals, easier to hunt, all the adults of the pack help raise the pups and other things like that. They have a very sophisticated system.

What adaptations does the grey wolves have that help it survive in its environment?

it has to have a place to sleep and to live and have food and place to have and raise their pups

How many wolves are born at a time?

6 to 15 wolves are in a pack. About 4 to 6 pups are born from one female in one pack.

How do you make your pack bigger in WolfQuest?

In WolfQuest, to make your pack bigger, you need to find a mate and successfully raise pups. As your pups grow up and become dispersal wolves, they may return to join your pack if you have an available territory slot. You can have up to 5 wolf pack members in the game.

How are wolves raised?

When wolves are pups there parents take them to anther den to raise them. As they grow up over the years the parents teach them to hunt a stalk and all those skills. Then when there older they hunt with the family until its time for them to part from the pack and make a pack OF THERE OWN! HOPE THIS HELPS! <- :)

Do mom wolves hunt more or dad wolves?

Other wolves in the pack care for the pups when they are older, but basically the fathers hunt more.

What is to be called a group of wolves?

the name of young timber wolves are called pups

How are gray wolf babies cared for?

by a pack of wolves. they all take care of the pups.

How long do wolves nurse their young?

the mom lays on her side and her pups drink her milk.

What do white wolves do?

Arctic wolves live in a pack, like other wolves. The alpha female has the puppies and the other wolves will feed the mother and the older pups. These wolves live in the Arctic Circle.