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Cheetahs use their speed and camouflage to hunt prey. Gazelle's, Impala and Springbok are the usual prey species as they are around the size that a cheetah can catch and kill.

They lie hidden in the grass and move close to its unsuspecting prey. When they are around 100 to 200 meters near the prey, they pick up a burst of speed and tackle the prey. They go for the throat thereby suffocating the prey

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Q: How do a cheetah attack?
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Does a cheetah attack other animals?

Yes it does. The cheetah has to attack other animals to feed.

How does the cheetah attack its prey?

by jumping out of nowhere

How does a cheetah attack its predators?

they stalk really quiet then they jump out at it!

What are the release dates for Untamed and Uncut - 2008 Cheetah Attack 1-10?

Untamed and Uncut - 2008 Cheetah Attack 1-10 was released on: USA: 10 August 2008

Does a cheetah protect its young?

A cheetah mother will try to protect its young. But in the face of an attack from lions or hyenas, the cheetah has little choice but to escape and hope the young will remain hidden and survive.

Do cheetah attack lion?

Yes they attack there cat type if not fed for over 1 month

Can a cheetah eat or attack another one?

yes, if not fed they attack one another for food that is very true at times

How does a cheetah prey?

It will stalk it pray until it get close enough than it attack

What are some of a cheetah's enemies?

Hyenas and lions will attack and try to kill cheetahs.

What current event in botswana?

President Ian Khama was injured in a cheetah attack.

Will a cheetah attack you?

Probably, but they would have to either be very hungry, or feel threatened by your presence in their area.

How does a cheetah communicate with people?

Cheetahs avoid human contact and have never been known to attack and kill humans. They have little reason to communicate.