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The Nazis would kill the Jews and thae Jews would hide and runaway like mice.

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Q: How do Nazis act like cats and Jews like mice?
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Do cats like too chase dogs or cats .?

they actually like to chase mice

Were the Nazis going to kill Jews for money?

No. The primary reason that the Nazis killed the Jews was that viewed the Jews as vermin to be eradicated in much the same way as most people see mice as vermin to be eradicated. (Which is, of course, a virulent and extremist racist view.) However, Nazis were not above pilfering wealthy items from Jews that they were going to kill, especially paintings, jewelry, or large bank accounts.

Why do like to chase rats and mice?

cats chase mice because rats and mice like to run. that makes themexcited

Do cats like to eat mice?

yes they do!

If a dog doesnt like 4cats and these 4 cats dont like 12 mice how many animals are there which do like mice if there are 3000 elephants and cats?

that would a lot of animals =]no its the one dog because it said that do like mice

What do cats pray on?

small rodents like mice.

Does anyone have cats and mice four feet higher and untouched by cats but in the same house?

Some people do, but it is an experiment that would be disastorous if those particular cats did not like the mice!

How are cats useful?

they eat mice if you have mice. most are loveable, and if you like to cuddle, so will they..... mhm

Why are the maus characters portrayed as animals?

They are portrayed as animals because Speigelman is trying to convey the idea that putting a stereotype on a group of people, like the Nazis did, is ridiculous. All of the people in the group are not the same. Since the people were portrayed as animals, they could not have any distinctive characteristics to make them stand out from the next person. Basically he is saying that what the Nazis did was ludicrous and that each of the people who were victims of the Holocaust had their own story. Also, since the Nazis were depicted as cats and the Jewish people were depicted as mice, this shows that they are naturally enemies seeing as though cats and mice are natural enemies.

Can cats have jobs?

Cats can have job(s) like catching mouse or mice because that's what they eat

What animals are scared to death of cats?

Any of the cats prey, like mice and fish. Also, small dogs like Chihuahua's are sometimes terrified of cats.

Do cats prey on mice birds?

Mice and birds do often get eaten by cats.