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"Current knowledge on the social organization and behavior of gorillas is dominated by results from research on mountain gorillas though there are some data for eastern and western lowland gorillas. The minimum group size for all subspecies is two individuals (usually a silverback and a female), except for males ranging alone, while maximum group size varies slightly for each subspecies (Yamagiwa et al. 2003). The maximum group size for mountain gorillas can exceed 20 individuals, while eastern and western lowland gorillas generally are not found in groups larger than 17 to 20 individuals and western lowland gorilla groups are always observed in groups smaller than 20 individuals (Yamagiwa et al. 2003)."

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Q: How do Lowland gorillas control the flow of heat?
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What are two animal adaptations that control the flow of heat?

Both hair and feathers control the flow of heat. Without either, an animal would lose heat much quicker.

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They pant.

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Heat control is by air flow control doors in the a/c and heater box. There is no water valve.

What is split flow heat exchanger?

A split flow heat exchanger is a type of heat exchanger where the hot and cold fluids are split into multiple streams before being recombined. This design allows for more efficient heat transfer as it increases the surface area of contact between the two fluids. Split flow heat exchangers are commonly used in industrial processes where precise temperature control is required.

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An insulator is a material that does not allow heat energy to easily flow through it. It is used to help prevent heat transfer and maintain temperature control in various applications. Examples include fiberglass, foam, and cellulose.

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Heat flow's from cooler objects.

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Apparently No, heat flow in oceanic crust is higher than continental crust

Does heat energy flow indefinitely?

No, heat energy does not flow indefinitely. It will continue to flow until a thermal equilibrium is reached where all objects involved reach the same temperature. Once this equilibrium is achieved, there will be no further flow of heat energy.

What is downward heat flow?

negative heat

What three things make heat flow?

Heat flow is made by conduction, convection or radiation.

How can energy be carried from one place to another by heat flow and by waves?

heat flow and waves

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Flow control valve that will over come stratification of hot water flowing through the system until a circulator comes on