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If you have mares and stallions running together during the breeding season (late spring and summer) there's a pretty fair chance that the mares will get pregnant. Mating is normal behaviour. Loads of people have seen mares being bred and they think that having her tied down and protesting the whole time is normal. This is a sign that something is wrong. A mare that is comfortable with the stallion and ready to mate will stand quietly for service and will not attack him as many people believe.

You can tell when a mare is on heat and ready to breed to within a few days because she shows pretty obvious behavioral signs - looking interested in the stallion, frequent urination, holding her tail up and out, and winking constantly, or turning the flaps of the vulva in and out. When she has access to a stallion she may walk up to him, back up to him, sniff him and give other signs that she is very interested - if she's doing this and you want her in foal to that stallion - leave her there!

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The Male gets on top of the femeales back and starts trying to penetrate the vagina with his penis and move around. basically you cant miss it. hahaa.x

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12y ago

Some mares have a very strong estrus while others have what is called a 'silent' heat. Lifting the tail and urinating frequently, squealing, showing an interest in males, even some geldings. Some mares get cranky or grouchy while others seem completely normal. If a stallion is near the mare may show extreme interest, and may whinny or even 'scream' to the stallion.

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16y ago

If she is in heat, she will pee when she sees a stallion. If she does not pee when she sees a stallion she is not in heat.

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