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Keep the kittens and the mama safe and warm. The mama should allow the kittens to suckle her milk. If the mama is especially exhausted you need to make sure all the kittens find their own teat and that none of them wander away. If you have any problems contact/bring them to a vet. If they are closed contact some of your friends or if you are a kid your parents and they might be able to help you. Good Luck!:)

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13y ago
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12y ago

When a mother cat deserts her kittens, you can take care of thrm yourself or you can try to coax the mother cat to take care of them.

First see if the mother cat is healthy. She may have sore nipples, or injuries from giving birth.

If she is a first time mother, she may be confused or frightened. Make sure she has a 'nest' of some sort. Try a roomy cardboard box with one side cut down far enough so she can easily get in and out but the kittens can't fall out and drafts are blocked. Put in layers of newspaper to keep them warm and sanitary. Put the box in a quiet place and let her get used to it before she gives birth. If she starts to show nesting behavior in another place, move the box there!

Offer her some treats when she is in with the kittens. Stay quietly by her side if that comforts her. If she seems anti-social, leave her alone, but keep an eye on things from a distance!

You can offer her a different place for her 'nest'. Her present 'nest' may be too public, making her feel uneasy. Or it might be too private and she feels left out of the family activities! If you study her behavior you may get a clue to what the problem is.

You can try smearing something interesting on the kittens, such as tuna juice or milk. The mother cat will start licking the kittens and that may reawaken her mothering instincts.

If the kittens are older, she may just be tired of them and need some quiet time on her own! Or, if she likes to sit on your lap, bring the kittens along, too. That way she can take care of them without feeling neglected by you. That should get her back to mothering.

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14y ago

You should somehow try to help her, though I'm not cat expert, and I don't know how you could help her, but if she really does start to neglect her kittens, you know, not feeding them, stuff like that, then you should go buy some kitten formula stuff, but, under no circumstances, give the kittens milk from a cow, or any other animal. The formula should work perfecly fine. Then, if you have an eyedropper, you can use that to feed the kittens the formula. What you should do if you are planning on doing this, is research it, and find out EXACTLY how it should be done, and if the kittens aren't eating when you try to feed them, take them to a vet's office, and try to find something that will help them.

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12y ago

don't force her, that would only make her want to ignore them more. what happened to me is i had 2 cats pregnant at the same time and one of them was ignoring her kittens so i put them in with the other mom cat (she didn't notice) but my advice for you is: first give her an hour or 2 and if she is still ignoring them, then i would move her food in with the kittens, if that doesn't work i would put her in with the kittens in a room all alone and put food in with the kittens......if i was helpful could you please recommend me!! :D

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Really! How bad is it!

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You could take the kittens to an animal care centre. Maybe take the kittens to the SPCA in Orillia, and I think there's also one in Barrie. Ask your parents/ guardians about this and I'm sure they will tell you all that you'd like to know.

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It is possible for a cat to become stressed or agitated if her kittens are taken away, which could potentially lead to aggressive behavior towards a newborn. It's important to monitor the cat's behavior and provide a quiet and calm environment to help her adjust. Consulting with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist for guidance is recommended.