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Because Capybaras are Awesome!

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Befakadu Admassu

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2y ago

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4y ago

because they are cool

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Related questions

What types of capybaras are there?

there are no other types of capybaras

How do capybaras get around?

capybaras get around by swimming and walking

Are capybaras carnivores or herbivores?

Capybaras are herbivores, plant eaters.

Are Capybaras Endangered?

Capybaras are not on the endangered species list. no they r not

Is capybaras endangered?

no. the capybaras have very high populations and are not endangered at all.

Are capybaras indangerd speacies?

Capybaras are endangered species everyone knows!

Are pet capybaras legal in Illinois?

a capybara is flufee and cute capybaras eat potatoes and carrots

Do capybaras live is groups?

Yes. Capybaras live in group. Each group will have a dominant male and a bunch of lower ranked males. A number of females too are part of the group. They live and feed as a group and help protect one another by being alert and watchful.

Are there capybaras in the rainforest?

Yes there are

Are capybaras omnivores?

No they are herbivores.

What are baby capybaras?


What is the population of capybaras?