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because pouches hunted them alot

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Q: How did the red gazelle disappear?
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How red gazelle disappear?

because pouches hunted them alot

How did red gazelle disappear?

because pouches hunted them alot

What did the red gazelle eat?

Like extant gazelles, the Red Gazelle ate shrubs, plants, grasses, and leaves.

Is the red gazelle a mammal?


Why did red gazelle become extinct?

because of pouches hunting them

How the red gazelle disappeared?

becase they are crazy and mad animals offcaurse they will disseappeared

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Is there a red mammal?

The red fox, red panda, red squirrel, and red gazelle are all mammals. But none are a particularly bright shade of red, mostly an orange or red-brown color.

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Quercetin is a flavonoid and can be used as an antioxident. It does not disappear when red onion is dried and ground into a powder.

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No, a robin's red breast does not disappear in the summer. The red breast is a year-round feature of a robin's appearance and is present regardless of the season.

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Red Wolves (distant ancestors of gray wolves) are sometimes found in very very remote mountain areas of Northern Africa, but are almost impossible to find. Fennec foxes are found in the deserts of North Africa. Macrovipera lebetina is a type of snake there, too.

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