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White elephants are not extinct but very rare. It is a gene combination that does not happen very often, but they do still exist.

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15y ago

The Dwarf Emu, which was found on Kangaroo Island and islands of Bass Strait, became extinct due to hunting and fires from sealers and visiting sailors.

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12y ago

Elephants have NOT died out.

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Related questions

What elephants are extinct?

The most well-known extinct elephant species is the mammoth, which went extinct about 4,000 years ago. Other extinct elephants include the straight-tusked elephant and the dwarf elephant species that lived on islands like Sicily and Malta.

When did an elephant bird become extinct?

Elephant birds have been extinct since at least the 17th century. ---- Hey, I saw that answer on Wikipedia!

How will elephants become extinct?

If you're meaning the African Elephant or the Asian Elephant, then they could become extinct by means of over hunting and poaching. They are mainly hunted for their ivory. Most of their habitats are becoming destroyed or built on.

Are Elephant almost extinct?

Elephants are considered an endangered animals that could become extinct. One threat to the elephant is poaching. Elephants are killed for their tusk for the ivory trade, which is illegal.

When did the dwarf emu become extinct?

The Dwarf emu's population was wiped out during the early part of the 1800s, but it is not known when the last specimen died out. The Dwarf Emu, which was found on Kangaroo Island and islands of Bass Strait, became extinct due to hunting and fires from sealers and visiting sailors.

What other 2 animals have become extinct other than moa?

Two extinct animals other than the Moa are the Elephant Bird and the Dodo bird.

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Is the Asia elephant extinct?

No it is not.

Is elephant exctinct?

The Asian and African elephant is not extinct but the mammoth is.

How big was the Cyprus dwarf elephant?

Probably 1.2 feet tall if the modern Elephant

Which animal will be the national animal after the tiger is extinct?

i think it will be elephant and after they are extinct then it will be leopard

Are elephant birds extinct?

Yes. Sadly,they became extinct in the 17th century.