

Best Answer

i don't know but i found it very interesting.

worriers is one of my favorite books

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Q: How did scourge get the dog teeth on his paws?
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How did scourge get the dog teeth on his paws in Warriors?

In the book "Warriors: The Rise of Scourge," Scourge gets dog teeth attached to his claws by visiting a twolegplace where the dogs have lost some teeth in a fight. He collects the lost teeth and attaches them to his claws to enhance his fighting abilities and instill fear in his enemies.

What did Scourge do to Tigerstar?

Scourge used his claws (reinforced by dog's teeth) to slice open Tigerstar's throat and ended all nine of his lives. The wound was so terrible that he lost all of his lives one after another.

What does scourge from warrior cats look like?

Scourge is a small black tomcat with one white paw, icy blue eyes, and a torn left ear. He wears a red collar studded with dog teeth and his claws are reinforced with teeth as well. Scourge is known for his brutal and merciless demeanor.

What does it mean when a dog has big paws?

a puppies' paws usually represents how big your puupy will be. big paws, big dog.

How many nouns are in the dog licks his paws frequently?

The sentence has two nouns: dog and paws.

Do African wild dog have paws?

Yes, African wild dogs have paws. They are very much like the paws of domesticated dog breeds.

What kind of dog is puppy paws in santa buddies?

The dog Puppy Paws and his "dad" Santa Paws are Great Pyrenees Mountain Dogs.

Did Sandstorm and Scouge become mates?

No, Sandstorm and Scourge are not mates. Sandstorm is a ThunderClan cat from the Warriors series by Erin Hunter, while Scourge is a former leader of BloodClan and a antagonist in the same series. Their interaction is as adversaries, not mates.

What is the homonyms for dog feet?

The homonyms for "dog feet" are "paws" or "canine appendages." These terms refer to the feet of a dog.

What are bear defenses?

Its Paws, Teeth, and noise

Does sand hurt dog paws?

No. Dogs have very tough paws.

How many nouns are in the following sentence The dog licks his paws frequently.?

There are two nouns in the sentence: "dog" and "paws."