He got his head run over and a comment from a passerby was ' man, your head is tougher than meatloaf'.
Meatloaf. His real name is Marvin Aday.
A friend insulted the singer known as Meatloaf by saying "You've got the brains of a meatloaf". The name stuck. This is according to Mr. Loaf himself, on the TV show/CD "Storytellers" The name has nothing to do with his weight!
Marvin Lee Aday
There are many recipes that offer a unique take on a traditional meatloaf. Some of them are Veggie Meatloaf, Spicy Meatloaf, and the Virginia Meatloaf.
meatloaf is a boy
Paula Deen offers many different recipes for meatloaf. Some of the most popular are: Aunt Peggy's Meatloaf, Bacon Cheeseburger Meatloaf, and the Old Fashioned Meatloaf recipe.
Bake meatloaf at 350F.
My Chemical Romance Metallica Meatloaf Megadeth
Cook meatloaf at a temperature of 350F.