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Man hates the grey wolf. The gray wolf is one of the few animal's that has been hunted near extinction, by the 1930's few wolves remained. They have been hunted for a variety of reasons, from protecting live stock, to clearing the forests of a competitive predator for prey animals.
Only a couple of isolated populations of the gray wolf are endangered, the Mexican, and Ethiopian. As a species, the gray wolf is listed as Least Concern by the IUCN.
IT is ENDANGERED BECAUSE it is turned into stuffed wolf dolls for little kids
Wolves have always been persecuted by humans, and many subspecies have been hunted to the brink of extinction. Wolves competed with early humans for prey, and sometimes kill livestock, which leads to conflicts.
Well I think it is because people kill them for their fur.
Grey wolves are not considered endangerd in a over all status. They are actually one of the most common wolves. They are nick named the common wolf. Though many other wolves are. Mostly this is do to human invasion.
The gray wolf is not as endangered as it was in 1974 because their were only 500 wolves. Now is there is about 5,773 wolves. The gray wolf is not considered endangered anymore.
Because some stupid humans decided that wolves were bad somewhere back in Europe before Columbus. So they would go out and kill wolves. When Western Civilazation began, the people there had also brought along those myths of wolves, so they killed them there too. Later on, the grey wolf was put on the Endangered Species List, and were protected. But now, people in states such as Alaska, Utah, Idaho, and Montana shoot wolves, gas pups in dens, sterilize alphas, poison wolves, and skin them. I hope that any one reading this will help stop the slaughter!
Yes, it is critically endangered

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7y ago
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7y ago

The Grey wolf is endangered because of humans. We always thought the were horrible beasts destroying everything. So everyone shot them or trapped them.
how would the gray wolves be endangerd if they are not extinct?

the gray wolves are not endangerd.

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13y ago

The reason for the endangerment of the Grey Wolves is because the humans decided that they are the only wild animal that could take down their cattle and other livestock. so they hunted them down and even but a bounty on their heads.

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7y ago

During the times when colonists first came to America, the colonists reconized this animal as a danger to their livestock, and also believed they were demonic. They hunted them off, nearly to extinction. Their fur was in high demand, as well. Finally, laws were passed to stop the mass killing of wolves. The only remaining state in the contigious part of the United States which still has a population of wild grey wolves is Minnesota.

Actually, several states have gray wolf populations. Michigan, Wisconsin, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Arizona, Wyoming, New Mexico.

There are over 6000 animals in these populations.

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13y ago

Since the wolf has few natural enemies, the reason for its endangerment status is due to human related problems. Man has encroached upon its territory until the wolf has retreated to only the most wild areas on our continent. The loss of habitat has directly affected the numbers of wolves seen in the lower 48 states of America. The wolf is the only animal that has ever been hunted year-round in every national park in the United States.

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15y ago

The gray wolf is far from extinct, there are several varieties of gray wolf across three continents, and although some sub species are in trouble, the wolf as a species is in no imminent danger of extinction.

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7y ago

The gray wolf, as a whole, is not endangered and is listed as a species of lease concern. Only the Mexican wolf and the red wolf are on the endangered list.

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13y ago

As a species, the gray wolf is not endangered, but listed as least concern by the IUCN. Some races, such as the Mexican wolf, are threatened however.

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7y ago

Except for a few subspecies of the gray wolf, the species as a whole is not considered to be endangered.

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7y ago

Gray wolves are not on the threatened list. They are classified as "of least concern."

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Are gray wolves rare?

Gray wolves are enlisted endangered by Endangered Species Act (ESA) throughout USA with exception of some states.

How long were gray wolves endangered?

They were removed from the endangered species list in May of 2009.

Where are gray wolves endangered?

well i am not very sure but i think that they are endangered in canada or america

Are Arctic wolves on the endangered species list?

No. Arctic wolves are not an endangered species. A subspecies of the gray wolf, which is listed as least concern.

Why should gray wolves be saved?

Because they are rare and endangered. The gray wolf is not endangered, rather it is listed as a species of least concern.

When was the gray wolf endangered?

Wolves have been endangered for many centuries. Because wolves are at the top of the Food Chain they compete with humans for the same prey (deer, elk, rabbits, etc.) Humans have also developed many myths about wolves over the centuries, most of which are false. Consequently, in the US, Gray wolf populations were drastically reduced after the first part of the twentieth century. In 1973, the US Congress passed the Endangered Species Act and the Red and Gray wolves were immediately listed as endangered species. Ther have been some attempts to re-introduce Gray wolves to national parks in the US, but they remain endangered to this day. Although some subspecies are endangered, the gray wolf as a species is not an endangered species.

How is the gray wolf threatened?

The biggest threat to the gray wolf is MAN!{human}

Are gray wolves almost endangered?

The gray wolf overall is listed as a species of least concern. However, a few subspecies are listed as threatened or endangered.

What year did wolves become endangered?


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The Gray wolves first started to become endangered around the 1900's when people hunted them down because the wolves would often eat live stock and small children, which angered the human to try to kill them to protect their towns and familes.

Wolves have become endangered because?

Wolves are no longer considered to be endangered at least in the United States. They were originally put on the endangered species list because of over hunting.

What is the reason that gray wolves are endangered?

The gray wolf, Canis Lupus, is not an endangered species, but is listed as "Least Concern", by the IUCN. But, some subspecies are in trouble, such as the Mexican wolf, and Ethiopian wolf.