Animals African savanna adapted in many ways, but here are a few.
1. Most of the large herbivores there mainly eat grass, which is the most common plant in the African savanna. The main exception is the giraffe, which eats acacia leaves. Acacia are the most common tree in the African plains.
2. Because of the huge multitude of large mammalian herbivores (more than anywhere else on Earth today), there are many predators that are adapted to hunt large prey.
3. Some savanna animals, such as giraffes, antelope, and gazelle can exist for days at a time with no water, which is a good adaptation in a habitat that has long dry seasons. Elephants adapted to the dry seasons by figuring out that they can dig in dry riverbeds to access water.
ask savannh
Animals in African savannah follow Survival of the fittest........... Their body organs and features are modified according to the climate and terrain of savannah......... for example, camouflage...... Claws......... Long necks etc.
animals adapt to differents biomes because
Animals change and adapt through evolution by natural selection.
Animals adapt by changing little features to adapt.
To what?
an african skimmer's bill let's it adapt
they adapt by mutations in their genes when they have newborns.
Evolution. Over hundreds of years animals will change to adapt to there surroundings.
they teal with it
do plants and animals adapt
yes all animals do