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Although there is no written record of exactly how the idea came up it is probably safe to say that 'neccessity is the mother of invention'. When people need a way, they will usually find it.

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11y ago

Yes he did, Odysseus was brilliant!

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Q: How did Oddsseus come up with idea about the wooden horse?
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Related questions

Whose idea was the wooden horse?

Odysseus got the idea.

Who thought about creating a wooden horse?

The Trojan horse was Odyseus' idea (Ulysses) but the goddess of wisdom, Athena gave him the idea.

Who had the idea of the wooden horse that brought destruction to Troy?


What did Menelaus tell Telemachus about the wooden horse?

the new that menelus gives is that it was odyessu's idea of the horse

Why is odyssues a hero?

Odysseus came up with the giant wooden horse idea to trick the Trojans and conquer Troy.

Why did Athena come up with the Trojan horse?

The horse is said to have been the idea of Odysseus.

Whose idea was it to build a wooden horse at the battle of troy?

Was it a real horse ? Not when made from wood. Was a wooden horse really built and filled with soldiers ? Until recently the general opinion was a resounding yes. Now the answer would be yes, probably, but some archeologists are having doubts.

How does troy die?

Troy "died" from being defeated by another army. this was done with the help of the Trojan horse. which was a big wooden horse that solders hid inside and defeated troy. (the Trojan horse was crated by Greek warriors and Odysseus came up with the idea.)

What happened in the Trojan war?

The gods split into two sides Greeks and Trojans. Athena was on the Greek side and came up with a plan to hide some Greek soldiers into a wooden horse. they gave the horse to the Trojans and the Greek soldiers inside waited until all the Trojan soldiers fell asleep and attacked. then the Greeks won because of Athena's smart plan.Odysseus also was with the Trojan horse because Athena helped him come up with the idea so they both get credit on the idea.

What idea does Odysseus have to defeat the Trojans?

Odysseus thinks up the Trojan horse. A large scale wooden horse... which is hollow. Greek troops hide inside and one person is left outside the horse to explain that the horse is a gift from he surrendering Greek troops (inside the horse). Trojans wheel it into their city and at night when they are all asleep the Greeks take over the city.

How do you dispose of wooden elephants with the trunk down?

i have no idea what your talking about

Why does horse racing happen?

i have absolutely no idea so can someone please come up with a better answer