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It's not used to human contact - it sees you as a threat.

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Q: How come your cat withdraws when you try to pet or touch him?
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Can i touch a cat's tail?

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How do you pet your dog and cat on harvest moon ds?

You can only pet your dog and cat if you have the Touch Screen Gloves which you can buy.

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NO but I'm pretty sure they will make a update so you can;)

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He is both a pet cat, because you can pet it, and a stray cat because you can stray it. :)

Can you pet your dog and cat on harvest moon ds?

well, if it is the same as harvest moon ds cute then need to buy the touch screen glove at poultry farm.then you can pick up yourdog/cat and you will be able to pet it

Why is your cat shocking you?

because when you pet him it like rubbing rour shoes on carpet and then when you touch him again he grounds you out resulting in a shock

How do you get your allergic mom to pet your cat?

well i always heard that the person that ignores a cat in a crowd, always gets the cat next to them when everyone is trying to touch it and pet it. they say that the cat wants some aloneness so they go to the one who is trying to ignore them-so when theres a lot of people in a room with a cat keep her there and see what happens

Why does your cat withdraw when you try to pet him?

If your cat once was a stray, maybe he/she had a bad experience. Remember, a bad experience your cat has most probably would stay with them all their life. you (or some unkind stranger) lean in to pet your cat, but then hit them or hurt it in some way, your cat may think you are going to do the same thing again! Another thing that may be wrong is its just a bit moody,or it has a sore on its head. Never follow a cat around trying to pet it if it withdraws, unless you want a scratched hand( you cant blame your cat for doing it though!) to get your cat to allow you to pet it, maybe try once every hour, dont rush it.try sitting still(but not statue-like) and hold out the treats in hand then let him eat it, pet it then,Im not an expert, so try calling a trusted vet.

Why when you try to touch your cat it runs?

The cat might not feel comfortable with you yet if you just got him/her. Try giving him/her a treat so he/she will come to you. Then, let him/her sniff you and slowly/gently pet the cat. Don't make any sudden movements. Of course, every cat has a different personality, so if this doesn't work you might need to try something else.

How do your pet your cat?

My bad, I meant: How should you pet your cat?

Who are kikajou predictor's?

There doesn't appear to be widely recognized information on "kikajou predictor." It's possible it may refer to a particular individual or group that specializes in prediction or analysis, but without further context, it is unclear.

Would a pet cat eat a your pet gerbil?

it depends on the cat