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Very typical of your cat to scratch the back of her neck!I've never heard such thing! But, it probably has fleas or worms which is not good. Since she is able to actually scratch her back part of the neck I don't think it's possible to buy flea treatments because they are usually placed on the back of the neck so she would scratch it off and have it on her paw and she would lick her paw which wouldn't be good so the only way is to go to the vet unless you know something else wrong with her that you can figure out.

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Q: How come my cat keeps itching on back of her neck and now its scabbed what is the cause of this?
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I was just at the doctor and asked about an intense itching on my back. She diagnosed it as a pinch skin nerve. Apparently itching, with no visible rash, is a classic symptom of this type of pinched nerve.

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# the answer of sez is when you start to get a lot of itching on your back #

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Sudden itching in the back could be caused by various reasons, such as dry skin, allergic reactions, insect bites, or irritation from clothing or environmental factors. The itching might go away quickly if you scratch the area, but it could also disappear on its own if the underlying cause resolves itself. If itching persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, it would be best to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation.

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Quite a wide variety of yeasts will cause vaginal itching. They aren't really germs -- they're mold or fungus of the phylum Fungi.The vast majority of vaginal yeast infections are easily treated at home. Note however they are contagious, to other women as well as men, so the risk of passing the same infection back and forth exists.

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snoring is not life threatening. the soft plaid in the back of the throat vibrates this is what makes the sound. it can cause sleeping problems only if your significant other keeps waking you up. turn on your side and not your back, and the snoring will stop.

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How do you use the word scratch in a sentence?

He couldn't stop itching the rash.Persistent itching should be checked by a doctor.He was itching for a response from her.