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The best way to tell what gender a cat is, it by looking underneath the base of its tail. A male cat that has not been neutered will have two furry testicles right below the anus, and a penis right below the testicles. A neutered male cat will not have visible testicles, but there will be a noticeable space between its anus and penis.

Spayed and intact female cats alike will have a genital opening (vulva) which is often seen as a tear-drop shape located right below the anus.

Please note that checking for nipples is not an accurate way of telling a cat's gender - male cats can have nipples too! They just have no function, much the same as human males have nipples but have no use for them.

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10y ago

I admit it's very difficult. But you turn the cat upside down and look at its genitalia. If there are two little tiny balls down there, then it's a male. Otherwise, it's a femnale.

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