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If you Look at Cheetah spots, they are just spots. now Leopards however, if you look at A Leopard's spot, you will notice that their spots have rings around them. so, to make it short, Leopards have rings around their spots and Cheetahs dont. also Leopards live in Jungle's and Forests and Cheetahs live on Savannahs and Plataeus.

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16y ago
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6y ago

There is no difference, because a black leopard can also be called a Black Panther.
Black panthers are simply jaguars or leopards that have an increased amount of the black pigmentation, which is called melanism. They are exactly same species, but with a colour variation. If you look at one closely, you can still see the pattern of rosettes that are clearly seen on the yellow variation of the species.

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10y ago

there is no difference

Panther is a general family term for any large cat of the Lion, Tiger, Leopard, Jaguar species. So technically any of those species are "Panthers".

A Black Panther is the general term given to any Leopard or Jaguar that is black in color. A Leopard is a Panther, so a black Leopard is a Black Panther. If you could find a Black Lion, that also would be a "Black Panther". Most people associate Black Panthers as either Black Leopards or Black Jaguars since those 2 cat types often have black coloring.

Although found in the Panthera genus, lions are tigers are not called panthers. That term is for leopards, jaguars, and pumas.

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8y ago

There are two species that are called black panthers. The melanistic (black) leopard of Africa and Asia and the melanistic jaguar of South and Central America are both called black panthers. Both belong to the genus panthera.

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8y ago

Panther is a generic term and does not apply to a single species. It may refer toa lion - panthera leo

a tiger - panthera tigris

a leopard - panthera pardus

a jaguar - panthera onca

a snow leopard - panthera uncia

Black (melanistic) individuals are found only among leopards and jaguars and are collectively known as black panthers.

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14y ago

There is no difference, they are the same thing! An all black coloured leopard is also known as a black panther. They are the same species.

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15y ago

Nothing, just the black one has a gene that makes it black.

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14y ago

yes. one is black and the other obiously isnt. the colors are different

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8y ago

There is no species known as the black panther. A black panther may be either a melanistic (black) jaguar or a melanistic leopard.

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7y ago

Panther is the generic term that can apply to a lion, tiger, leopard, snow leopard or a jaguar. A black leopard is a color variation of the leopard and known as a black panther.

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If a leopard or a jaguar is black what is it often called?

A black leopard or jaguar is often called a panther.

What is 1 connection between a black panther and leopard?

Black panthers are either black specimens of the leopard or jaguar. So basically, it is the same animal.

What are the types of panthers?

Florida panther, Leopard,Black panther

Is a panther the same species as a black panther?

No, because a panther is not its real name a black "panther" does not exist. You see they are actually called Black leopards because its a type of leopard. If you see a black leopard in the sun you can see faint spots.

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They can. A black panther is a leopard.

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That it is black jaguar or leopard.

Is there such thing as a black panther?

the black panther is either a black version of the leopard or jaguar.

Black panther scientific name?

The scientific name for the black panther, which refers to either a melanistic leopard or jaguar, is Panthera pardus for the leopard and Panthera onca for the jaguar. The term "black panther" is not a distinct species but rather a common name used for these melanistic big cats.

If a leopard or jaguar is black what is it often called?

A black leopard or jaguar is often called a panther.

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Perhaps black panther.

How is a black panther?

There is no single species called a Black Panther. It may be a melanistic (black) leopard or a melanistic jaguar.

What are the black panther's classification features?

There is no distinct species known as the black panther. It can be a melanistic (black) jaguar or a melanistic leopard.