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First you need to understand the reasons for the behavior, especially if this represents a change in behavior from a cat that has always used the litter box in the past.

You should take the cat to a veterinarian to find out if it has a bladder or kidney infection. Even if the cat does not show signs of pain, an infection may be making him very uncomfortable and prompting him to pick a comfortable place, like a sofa cushion.

If the cat is found to be in good health, you need to think about circumstances that may have started the behavior. Have you moved the litter box to a location the cat doesn't like? Have you changed the type of litter you use? You may need to experiment with liter box locations and different kinds of litter. Cats often dislike scented litter and they also may not like covered litter boxes. If the box is not kept clean enough they may not want to step into it.

When the behavior first started, could there have been something that made him scared when he went to the litter box, such as a loud noise or a threat from another animal? If this is the case you need to make sure the threat has been removed and gently reintroduce him to the litter box.

Cats are very territorial, so if there are other cats in the house who share the litter box, you may need to add another box in another location so each one can have his own territory. If you have recently brought another pet into the house, the cat may be peeing on the sofa in order to assert his ownership and dominance.

In any case, retraining him may take some time. Even if you have cleaned the couch and can't smell anything, the cat can probably still smells the urine, and that smell tells him to use it again. Try cleaning with a diluted vinegar solution (if the fabric can take it). You may need to have the couch professionally cleaned or replace the cushions. Try placing something on the couch that will be uncomfortable for the cat, such as double-stick tape. Put a small littler box near the couch, or maybe even on the spot he has been using. When he gets used to using that box, after a couple of days, move it a few inches. Every couple of days, move the box just a few inches, until finally it is in the location you want. You can also try putting the cat's food bowl on the couch (temporarily of course), since cats normally do not like to urinate near their food.

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14y ago

duhhh dont be around it when it has to pee

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