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That would be a cruel and illegal act.

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Q: How can you ruin a dog's sense of smell?
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Can a 1g stretched septum ruin your sense of smell?

Getting a 1g stretched septum piercing, or any similar nose piercing, will not ruin your sense of smell. Brain trauma would be the most likely cause of losing your sense of smell.

Who has the better sense of smell dogs or cats?

I believe some tracking dogs and hounds have the keenest sense of smell.

Who has the better sense of smell?


How good can dogs actually smell?

A dogs sense of smell is so acute that it can smell a person who was in a place days after.

What has a better sense of smell a dog or cat?

To me, I think that dogs have a better sense of smell. That's why policemen use dogs to track criminals.

What is a clue to the importance of a dogs sense of smell?

they have lots of smell moliclues

Did velociraptors have good sense of smell?

According to scientists, they did. In fact, they were thought to have an even better sense of smell than dogs, and dogs' sense of smell if around 60 times better than a person's.

Do dogs have the best sense of smell?


Is the sense of smell better in small dogs or large dogs?

I can't say. All dogs have a very good sense of smell, big or small. Springer Spaniels (Small to medium sized dogs) and Bloodhounds (Large dogs) both have a good sense of smell.

What is a dog's most important sense?

A dog's most important sense is their sense of smell. Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell that allows them to gather information about their environment, other animals, and even detect illnesses in humans.

Is an ants sense of smell stronger than a dogs?

No, a dog's sense of smell is much stronger than an ant's sense of smell. Dogs have an estimated 220 million olfactory receptors compared to an ant's few hundred. This allows dogs to detect scents at incredibly low concentrations and with great accuracy.

Do all dogs have a great strong sense of smell?

It depends on how the dogs were born, or if they hurt their nose.many things could happen, but no not all dogs have a great sense of smell. Hope this helps!