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The same thing you do with any other dog, you get its attention. By patting your legs, whistling, calling its name, or if your dog love to play with a tennis ball like mine you could even through it in the air to get its attention. Jack Russell's are no different than other dogs, all dogs can be stubborn when they want to be, and in that way dogs are just like people.

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14y ago
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16y ago


Well it starts with treats.

Get a soft treat(dog treat) and call the dogs name

and say come(and the name)

try to do this over and over

and sooner or later he or she will respond!

worked with my puppy!

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13y ago

It is easiest to start training when the dog is young but any age dog will learn - you can teach an old dog to sit - but it takes a little longer.

Get a "clicker" (a metal thing that clicks when you press it).

Get some goodies (treats) for the dog (you will need a lot so they shouldn't fill the dog up too much).

When training and you say "Come", as soon as the dog makes any move (even slightly) in the right direction immediately press the clicker. and then give the dog a treat.

Continue, calling, clicking ,and giving treats until the dog associates the click with the treat. Then click when the dog moves more in the right direction (towards you when you call "Come").

Soon you should be able not only to get the dog to come but sit by your left side when you say "Come" by clicking when the dog passes the already learned point and continues doing something right.

Never scold the dog while training if it does something incorrectly. (Of course if it leaves you to play with something else without your permission, a stern quick scolding may be in place).

When training, come from a greater distance, go down on your knee and spread your arms wide to welcome the dog when you say (yell) "Come".

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15y ago

First, put the pup on a leash then get some treats. Second, make sure the puppy knows you have food. Third, have the pup in front of you. Hold the food out when saying come and repeat it. Repeating this will get the dog use to the word as they are doing the action. keep backing up and saying "COME". Then, in a fenced in area or even inside the house unhook the leash and practice the same routine but every other time the pup comes give a treat.

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15y ago

First and foremost, until he is reliable coming when in the house and when outside on a long line, NEVER use his recall command (usually "come") when you cannot reinforce it. Until he is already reliable, using the command when you cannot enforce it will only weaken the command. Start with an informal recall, or an optional come. Choose a different word than you use for your formal "come now and no questions asked" command. I use "cookies." When I call "cookies," it is not a formal command. That means the dog has a choice. He can come or not come as he pleases. But there are rules. If he comes of his own free choice, put your hand on his collar and give him a cookie. At least half the time when he is called with a cookie command, give the cookie and then release the collar and let him go back to playing. Coming doesn't always mean an end to fun and games. Dogs are natural gamblers. They are more likely to come if they believe there is a chance at a free cookie and then going back to play again. The trainer is not allowed to lie to the dog. If you have no cookie, then you cannot use the cookie command. If the dog chooses not to come, walk him down and take him inside anyway. But he doesn't get the cookie because he didn't come when called. Eventually he figures out he's going to go in one way or another and his chances are much better coming to the cookie command, where he definitely gets a cookie, and he might not even have to go inside. To teach a formal command, you work it a little differently. A formal recall is an emergency command. You use it when your dog is standing in the road and a car is coming, for example. You can't afford hesitation or disobedience. He must come and he must come immediately. I highly recommend Leslie Nelson's "Really Reliable Recall" program which is available in a booklet or on DVD. ==Other contributors have said:== * Yes, you just need to teach it to listen to you. Both the links teach you recall and how to make your dog understand that good actually means good! Call him to you and give him a small treat each time he does, and praise him each time. He will soon learn that coming when you tell him to means a treat. Later you can stop giving him a treat and he will learn to come just because it pleases you. Try calling it or whistling to it. If that doesn't work, hold out a treat while calling it to you.

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13y ago

The same thing you do with any other dog, you get its attention. By patting your legs, whistling, calling its name, or you could even through a treat or toy in the air to get its attention. Jack Russell's are no different than other dogs, all dogs can be stubborn.

Bad bad advice. I have a Jack Russell and they are not like any other dog. Sorry to disagree with you. Patting your leg, whistling, throwing a ball in the air only makes him chase the ball and want to play, or calling it's name is not the answer. Treat reward is the best.

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10y ago

You can teach your puppy to obey simple instructions by following the advice that animal trainers use in obedience schools. Animal trainers use positive reinforcement methods to reward good behavior such as treats or affection when commands are followed.

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14y ago

teach them to know their name by calling their name and if they come to you give them a treat and after they learn their name you call them and they should come

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