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I understand completely what you are going through... and many more like us. I too lost a dog that dies of a type of cancer. She was so precious to me. When I was at the Vets office to have her put down.. and that was my very last resort... I remember grieving terribly. It's ok to cry. It actually helps. It releases endorphins... which helps you feel better.

I cried buckets... even when I was at the vets office. I cried even at home or when someone would ask be about her. But I will tell you this... it does get better. The sun will come out in the morning and the grieving will lessen over the weeks and months.

It has been about 2 years now. I still have a little warm spot of grieving in my heart when I think of her... but sometimes I can think about her and it is not so painful... I can actually have a smile on my face about her... a memory that just made me laugh or smile.

It will get better... I promise you. It did for me. Just because the grieving process gets better... doesn't mean you loved them any less. You still love them... and that love for them will never go away.

I personally think dogs go to heaven... and I think there is even some Bible Scripture to back that up. Jack Van Impe a Christian Theologian even wrote a book called..."All Dogs go to Heaven". I hope so... I would LOVE to see all my dogs there... even from when I was a child. They were so precious to me!

Much love in Christ always,


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Q: How can i get over losing my dog he got euthanized for cancer and im sad?
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When a dog is signed over to Animal Services doesn't mean the dog will be put tp sleep. That being said, the former owner can ask for Animal Services to take the animal to the shelter and ask for the animal to be humanely euthanized. If the Animal Services "Officer" stated they will "put the dog to sleep" that means the dog will be taken to the shelter, placed in quarantine for a few days (possibly) and then humanely euthanized/destroyed due to concerns about the general well being and safety of the community.

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Yes, sometimes dogs can be euthanized when they're sick, especially if the dog has a sickness that is not easily treatable or causes the animal to be in a lot of pain.

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Your dog has cancer, I'm sorry.

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Being euthanized is dying. No dead dogs are used in dog fighting, so the answer is zero.

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Bluey. He was an Australian cattle dog that lived 29 years and 5 months old when he was euthanized in 1939.

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Yes at 7am on 11th July 2012. Poor boy.

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just remember if it was an old dog maybe it was in pain eg. arthritis so its out of its misery and its in a better place :)

Can you sue someone if their dog killed your cat?

Yes you can but you would have to have evidence of it. But I suggest you do not sue them because you wouldn't gain anything, and their dog would be euthanized and that is awful.