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They don't need to be actively trained, they associate a ringing bell or any other stimulus with receiving food fairly quickly if it's repeated a few times and is consistent enough that they learn to expect it and so physiologically prepare for it.

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Q: How can a dog be trained to salivate when a bell is sounded?
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How was pavlov able to get dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell?

Pavlov paired the ringing of a bell with the presentation of food to the dogs, causing them to associate the bell with the imminent arrival of food. Through repeated pairings, the dogs learned to salivate at the sound of the bell alone, even in the absence of food. This process is known as classical conditioning.

Who was ivon pavlov?

Ivan Pavlov was a Russian psychologist who is famously known for his conditioning experiment involving a dog and a bell. What he did was train the dog to salivate by ringing a bell. To do so, Pavlov would place food in front of the dog, and ring the bell. Thus, the dog would salivate at the sight of the food and subconsciously at the sound of the bell. Through conditioning, Pavlov was able to repeat the process until the dog became accustomed to hearing the sound of the bell, and ultimately when the dog heard the bell ring, it would begin to salivate as it had learned to associate the sound of the bell with food, and food resulted in its salivation

What is Pavlov's Dog Training?

He is one the person which thinks about dog first time, so he told that dogs can learn salivate whenever they see food. 'Hard wired. You should know the what kinds of step to teach dogs from ***************** Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov, noticed that dogs could be trained to salvinate whenever a bell was rung. Even if he entered the room without any food, once the bell rang the dogs would salvinate.

Advantages and disadvantages of generalization in psychology?

Advantages of generalization in psychology include the ability to apply findings from one study to broader populations, making theories more widely applicable. However, a disadvantage is that oversimplified generalizations can lead to inaccurate or biased conclusions, overlooking individual differences within a population. It is important to balance generalization with consideration for diversity and complexity within a group.

What tone cause a dog salivate to associated with the presentation of food?

There is no tone that causes a dog to salivate; you need to train a particular dog to do that as it is a learned behavior. You might want to read about the apparently not-so-famous experiment by Ivan Pavlov.

When the dog salivate?

no worries, it probably is just because the dog sees food that he or she really wants.

Can you have an example of behavior adaptation?

The most famous example is that of Pavlov's Dog. This experiment was done by ringing a bell before feed the dog. After a while, the dog would salivate when he heard the bell, even if he was not given food. This shows that the dog had learned to anticipate food with a sound. Another example is one that is still being researched. Dogs living with humans will often go in the direction that their owner points even though they have not been trained to do so. It is theorized that dogs can begin to understand the behavior of a species not their own. Additional Sources:

What is the main aim for the Pavlov's dog experiment?

The main aim of Pavlov's dog experiment was to study classical conditioning, a type of learning where a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a reflexive response through repeated pairings. Pavlov demonstrated this by pairing a bell (neutral stimulus) with food (unconditioned stimulus), leading to the dog salivating (unconditioned response). Over time, the bell alone caused the dog to salivate, showing a learned response.

Why did Pavlovs dog salivate to a tone?

Pavlov's dog salivated to a tone because the tone had been repeatedly paired with the presentation of food. This led to the dog associating the tone with food, triggering a conditioned response of salivation even when food was not present.

What is conditioned animal behaviour?

A conditioned behavior is one that is taught. Like when you give a dog a treat for performing a trick. You have "conditioned" the dog to do something in expectation of a reward. Just like if you take your dog for a walk on a leash. Soon the dog learns when you get the leash out he is going for a walk. His conditioned response is dancing around in excitement. One of the most well know experiments on this subject was done by Pavlov. He rang a bell before feeding the dogs in the study. Soon the dogs began to salivate in anticipation of receiving the food when the bell was rang even if no food was given. They were conditioned to expect food when the bell rang.