If the horses are average sized, if each needs a stall or the room equal to approximately 10 x 12, then the barn will need to measure about 12 x 20 or 10 x 24 with no aisleway or feed or tack storage.
50 ft.
You take your horse to the livery stable (the big red barn). Then you click on the person and click livery and then your horses name.
You have to go into the barn and as soon as you walk in turn to the right and you should see at the bottom of the screen "brush" click the space bar and off you go!P.S.I have petz horses 2 and I think it is the best game ever so I reeeally hope this helps.
Given that this is a riddle, there are many answers possible depending on the way you think about it: * One horse: after the first horse is put in the barn, it isn't empty. Mathematically, we can work out how many horses would fit if we can arrange whatever way we like: * 6730.77 horses: The volume of the barn divided by the volume of a horse gives the number of horse volumes that could fit in the barn volume. * 437.5 horses: If horses cannot be stacked, this is the area of the barn floor divided by the area a horse takes up giving the number of horses that fit if only one level of horses goes in the barn. In reality, we cannot fit parts of a horse or put them in any shape we want like a liquid: * 6555 horses: 437 horses per level and we can fit 15 levels of horses in the barn. * 437 horses: this is the number of horses that fit if we cannot stack horses and we cannot fit parts of horses around them.
It will all depend on the size of the stable or barn. Some are build for just one or 2. Others can house hunderds of horses.
Its still your ranch. When mine ran out I renewed it about 2 hours too late and my ranch and extra horses were still there.
The average livestock trailer will fit about 2 horses. Any more horses would require atleast a 16 ft trailer. However, this would also depend on preference. If this trailer is being used for a long haul as living quarters, you may not want your horses too cooped up. However, if it were a simple trip to the vet, 2 horses per average trailer would be fine.
A horse can have as big area for grazing just don't make it too small. I keep my horses in about 1-2 acres and my horse is healthy.
A barn door should be about 2 inches wider and 1 inch taller than the opening when installing it.
the last big compotition
Chicken barn sizes vary depending on the number of chickens that need housing. The chicken barn should provide enough room for the chicken to be comfortable moving around and nesting.
2/23/13 Daily Jumble The horses in the barn were… answer: “NEIGH-BORS” (omega, broke, nausea, hermit)