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the same size as orange ones!! white cubs are born when one or both parent has the recessive white gene so even if a grandparent was white not the parent you could get a white cub.

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Q: How big are baby white tigers?
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Related questions

What are white tiger babies called?

Baby white tigers are called cubs.

How many baby do white tigers have?

White Tigers usually have 3 to 5 babiesthree or two

How many baby white tigers are born?

they are endangered so i think that not a lot of white tigers are born.

How big do white tigers get?

As big as their parents, eventually.

How big are baby tigers?

the same size as orange ones!! white cubs are born when one or both parent has the recessive white gene so even if a grandparent was white not the parent you could get a white cub.

How much baby's do white tigers have?

Well, White Tigers are basically tigers. They just have a mutated gene. Tigers can have up to seven children, but the common amount is three to four cubs.

How big are white tigers teeth?

100 feet

On average how big do White Tigers get?

Same as other Bengal tigers, up to 550 pounds or more.

What is a white tiger's habitat?

White tigers are not actually a species of tiger E.G you can get a white begal tiger. White tigers live the same way as normal tigers they just have different genes white tigers live with lots of sorroudings like trees and other big things.I is a junjle

When do baby white tigers start walking?

Baby white tigers typically start walking around 2-3 weeks of age. They may be a bit wobbly at first, but they quickly gain strength and coordination as they grow.

Are white tigers big cats?

The rare white tiger is the same size as a normal tiger.

How big can a white tiger get?

As big as other, normal colored Bengal tigers. Males can be 450-600 pounds.