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They both protect parts of other systems and both help them stand up and move.

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Q: How are human and animal skeletons similar?
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How is a insect's exoskeleton similar to a humans skeleton?

Both insect exoskeletons and human skeletons provide structural support and protection for their bodies. They both serve as a framework for muscles to attach to, enabling movement. However, insect exoskeletons are external and made of chitin, while human skeletons are internal and made of bone.

How are skeletons of amphibians similar to skeletons of other vertebrates?

they are similar when it comes to their limbs

How are the skeletons of a frog and human the same?

Although they cannot be considered "the same" they have many similar structures. For example the design of the human hands is quite similar to the hands and feet of the frog. In a sense, the limb structure is very similar.

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What are the differences and similarities between skeletons of human beings and chimpanzee?

Both human and chimpanzee skeletons are homologous, meaning they share a common ancestry. However, there are differences in size and shape of certain bones, such as the skull and pelvis. Human skeletons are adapted for bipedal locomotion, whereas chimpanzee skeletons are adapted for quadrupedal movement in the trees. Both skeletons have similar bones serving similar functions, such as limbs for movement and a skull to protect the brain.

What is the difference between an animal skeleton and a human skeleton?

An animal skeleton typically has specialized adaptations for the specific needs of the animal, such as wings for flight or fins for swimming. Human skeletons have certain unique features, such as a more prominent chin and a vertical spine for walking upright. Additionally, human skeletons have specific bone structures that support traits unique to our species, such as a large brain case and opposable thumbs.

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Human Skeletons

Which area of the human brain is most similar to that of primitive animals?

the human brainstem is the mos similar to that primitive animal

What part of an animal cell is similar to human skin?

The cell membrane in an animal cell can be compared to human skin, as it serves as a protective barrier that regulates the movement of substances in and out of the cell, similar to how the skin protects the body and controls the passage of molecules.

What is the Similarty human skeleton and snake skeleton?

Both human and snake skeletons are internal frameworks that provide support, protect vital organs, and facilitate movement. However, snake skeletons are elongated and have more vertebrae to allow for their unique body shape and movement. Additionally, both skeletons have similar skeletal elements such as a skull, ribs, and spinal cord.

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Are there really giant human skeletons in North America?
