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The wolf is related to the dog to some extent.

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7y ago

Domestic dogs are the same species as the gray wolf, just a different subspecies. Dogs are domesticated wolves.

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7y ago

The domestic dog is the same species as the wolf, just a different subspecies.

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What is the worlds strongest wild dog?

"Wolves and Hyenas"....? Not quite.. Hyenas are more closely related to Cats then Dogs. But they are more closely related to the Mongooses and Meerkats, therby falling within the family of Feliformia.

Are gray wolves harmful?

most wolves are harmful and that does include gray wolves

What are hyenas related to?

hyenas are related to dogs

Are there more related dogs or is that all wolves coyotes jackals foxes are there any more wild dogs or is that all?

There are hyenas and wolverines.

How is the gray wolf related to the gray whale?

The only way wolves are related to whales is they are both mammals. That's it. Just because they are both grey colored means nothing.

Do the gray wolves have eggs or mammals?

gray wolves are mammals who give birth

How are baby gray wolves protected from ermines?

how baby gray wolves protected

What colors are most wolves said to be?

Gray wolves, the species of wolves we have in the U.S., are a shade of gray, white, or black.

What species are gray wolves?

Gray wolves are the species Canis lupus.

Where do gray wolves live in Michigan?

Gray wolves live in the upper region of Michigan.

Are gray wolves related to foxes?

Yes, both belong to the canine family but belong to a different genus.

Are gray wolves regular wolves?

They are regular.