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The birth of a giraffe only takes about 30 minutes, but the mother carries the giraffe for 14 to 15 months. The baby can stand up for within one hour after birth. I hope this was helpful to you. :-)
giraffes are born by a mother in the stomach because they are mammals to
Giraffes are born in much the same way as humans. The baby giraffe is conceived inside its mother, grows for a period of about 13 to 15 months (400 to 460 days), then is pushed from the womb onto the ground, and becomes a separate individual. Baby giraffes nurse for about 6 months, and normally stay with their mothers for up to a year, beginning interactions with other young giraffes at about 2 months of age in social "nursery" groups.

(see the related link for more about giraffes)

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15y ago

the giraffe just stands up and has the baby that way the giraffe just stands up and has the baby that way

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14y ago

a female giraffe gives birth to a giraffe.

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Q: How are giraffe calves born?
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What is an offspring of a giraffe called?

"Calves" .

What are giraffes babies called?

A baby giraffe is called a calf.

What is the giraffe masculine and femine?

Males are bulls, females are cows. Young giraffes are calves.

Which animals pose a threat to the Giraffe?

Giraffe calves are vulnerable to lions, leopards, spotted hyenas, and wild dogs. Lions pose the most serious threat.

When is a giraffe born?

A giraffe is born in 14-18 years.

How many baby giraffes are born at one time?

Usually only one Giraffe calf is born at once but occasionally two are born which would be difficult for the mother to hold during pregnancy because calves are usually around six foot after birth.

Are all calves born with blue eyes?

No. Blue eyes in calves is a very rare genetic occurrence. Almost all calves born into this world are born with brown eyes, not blue.

Can you give a sentence using calves?

two calves were born yesterday.

What is a mother giraffe called?

Believe it or not, female giraffes are called cows.Male giraffes are called bulls. And baby giraffes are called calves.

What is the name of baby giraffe?

The baby giraffe is called a calf. As to propose that the male giraffe is called a bull and the female giraffe is called a cow. It is like the cow family. Ha ha ha!

Only animal born with horn?

The only animal born with a horn is the rhinoceros. Rhinoceros calves are born with a small, soft horn that grows and hardens as they mature.

What baby animal does not look like the parent?

Giraffe calves do not look like their parents, as they are born with a different color pattern of spots and without the long necks characteristic of adult giraffes.