There are many differences between a wolf and a dog. Wolves are not dogs. Dogs are bred from wolves and have most of their wolf-like characteristics bred out of them.
The osteology is different, the size and shape, fur type, psychology and behavior,etc etc... See the Related Links for more information about the differences between wolves and dogs.
The main dogs and wolves on CS are actually the same species; although they are officially called dogs, many users prefers to refer to them as wolves. With regards to the Malk dogs and wolves they each have a different lineart, making them easily distinguished from each other.
no because they fight each other
wolves are actually dog ancestors dogs came from wolves that's why a lot of the time our dogs will case things because in the wild they would usually have to catch their food
The word lupine means of, or like, a wolf.
it can range from 150$ to 1000$ it just depends.
Just like every human is different from each other, every dog is different from each other too. Because they have different breed, training, owners, and parents.
Wolves have a variety of calls and signals. Each means a different thing. For example, wolves howl, bark, and do most of the things your average dog would do.
No, dogs and cats cannot mate with each other because they are different species with different numbers of chromosomes.
The answer is more a case of- why do dogs belong to the family of wolves? Dogs are the direct descendants of wolves, and so belong to that family. Some dogs don't look like they have wolf ancestors, but they do. Others look very similar, such as alsations.
Because they are different species.
They look and act differently
Yes. Dogs and wolves have bred with each other for a long time, their genes are very similar.