Dogs generally shed more fur than cats.
Sometimes. Gays prefer cats to big dogs. But some gays may like little dogs more than cats.
not very many people have cats in Canada becaous the like dogs more Lots people misunderstanding about cats. They don't know anything about cats and they said they don't like cats. That's are stupid Canadian, American and British most of time
Yes, but so are cats. Cats and dogs are.
Wild cats, pet cats, wild dogs, and pet dogs. Large fish prey on frogs, too.
cats and dogs
Pet cats differ from pet dogs in the sense that cats do not require to be walked or exercised as dogs do. Cats can use a litter box where as a dog normally does his business outside.
Touch Pet DogsTouch Pet Dogs 2Touch Pet Cats
The dogs and cats you pet in the Pet to Give app are most likely real as their photograph has been taken, however it is unlikely that that specific pet is the pet that receives food from the app.
1. cats smell worse than dogs 2. cats have five things to hurt you with dogs have one 3. cats always leave half-eaten animals on your porch 4. cats have kittens twice as fast as dogs have pups 5. dogs are usaually friendlier than cats
Dogs and cats